Go therefore and make disciples of all nations...
Matthew 28:19
First Choice Clinic-Red Wing, MN
First Choice Clinic offers confidential medical, educational and support services, free of charge, to men & women in our community and surrounding areas.
Our Medical Services are provided by licensed, trained, and caring professionals and are under the supervision & direction of a local licensed medical doctor.
Medical Services:
Our Medical Services are provided by licensed, trained, and caring professionals and are under the supervision & direction of a local licensed medical doctor.
Medical Services:
- Pregnancy Testing
- Obstetric Ultrasound
- Your Pregnancy Options
- STD/STI Testing
- Pregnancy & Parenting Education
- Material Assistance
- Life Skills & Money Management
- Natural Family Planning
- Pregnancy loss support - miscarriage/stillbirth
- Post-Abortion support
- Sexual Abuse Healing
- Community Referrals

His Safe Haven
The vision for His Safe Haven is to provide hope, care and love to children with special needs and their families, through training, programs and encouragement, while educating churches and communities on how to come alongside these families.
His Safe Haven partners with communities, individuals and churches to come alongside families, offering support through education, training and encouragement as they care for their child. When necessary, we will help secure a trained and loving family to provide foster care for an abandoned child with special needs.
We are coming alongside struggling families and offering resources to help build up these families through training and support. Our goal is to be able to offer scholarships, micro loans and/or teach-a-trade and farming, to help families become self reliant and graduate out of our program.
The vision for His Safe Haven is to provide hope, care and love to children with special needs and their families, through training, programs and encouragement, while educating churches and communities on how to come alongside these families.
His Safe Haven partners with communities, individuals and churches to come alongside families, offering support through education, training and encouragement as they care for their child. When necessary, we will help secure a trained and loving family to provide foster care for an abandoned child with special needs.
We are coming alongside struggling families and offering resources to help build up these families through training and support. Our goal is to be able to offer scholarships, micro loans and/or teach-a-trade and farming, to help families become self reliant and graduate out of our program.
Arpi and Andi Horvat-Kavai
Budapest, Hungary
Arpi and Andi live in Budapest (Hungary) with their daughters Nina and Zoe. They both serve at Calvary Chapel Bible College Europe and at Calvary Budapest. Arpi is a teacher, a counsellor, and he is the administrative director of the college. Andi is translating Christian books, articles, research, and studies into Hungarian to further the Gospel and the growth of the Hungarian saints. She also disciples young women and teaches English as an outreach in their community.
Although they are both Hungarian, they both grew up in the Balkans, so it has a very special place in their hearts. They know God called them to serve in Budapest for the foreseable future, but their hope is that one day they will be able to serve in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), the most ethnically and religiously diverse of European capitals for the last five centuries, and the most unreach people in Europe.
Calvary Chapel Bible College Europe
Although they are both Hungarian, they both grew up in the Balkans, so it has a very special place in their hearts. They know God called them to serve in Budapest for the foreseable future, but their hope is that one day they will be able to serve in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), the most ethnically and religiously diverse of European capitals for the last five centuries, and the most unreach people in Europe.
Calvary Chapel Bible College Europe

Garrie and Jackie Price
Calvary Chapel Safe Harbor Los Cabos
Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
Jackie and I answered God’s call to Hungary in March 1999. I pastored a refugee camp ministry for three years outside Budapest. Jackie learned Hungarian and discipled women in Calvary Chapel Budapest. Then the Lord called us to start a church in Vac, Hungary. After four years in Vac, God called us to turn the church over to a Hungarian pastor, Tamas Gemes. By God’s grace, the Vac church continues to grow.
The Lord then called us to Baja Sur, Mexico. After helping a struggling pastor for a year in San Jose del Cabo, in 2008 the Lord led us to Cabo San Lucas to plant a church. We built a temporary church on land we were allowed to use but didn’t own, as we taught the Word of God verse by verse through the Bible. Jackie leads worship. Garrie disciples the men and Jackie disciples women in the church. Future church leaders are being raised up. In May 2018, after three years of prayer, God provided and gave us land upon which to build His church in Colonia Miranda. There is no Christian church in Colonia Miranda or Colonia Azteca which is next to it.
Please join us in prayer for God’s provision for materials and workers to build His church, two class-rooms for the children, a kitchen and a large storage room for food, clothing, shoes, bedding and other donated items for use and distribution in our humanitarian efforts in the surrounding communities. May God continue to bless His work in Cabo and may the God of grace receive all the glory.
The Lord then called us to Baja Sur, Mexico. After helping a struggling pastor for a year in San Jose del Cabo, in 2008 the Lord led us to Cabo San Lucas to plant a church. We built a temporary church on land we were allowed to use but didn’t own, as we taught the Word of God verse by verse through the Bible. Jackie leads worship. Garrie disciples the men and Jackie disciples women in the church. Future church leaders are being raised up. In May 2018, after three years of prayer, God provided and gave us land upon which to build His church in Colonia Miranda. There is no Christian church in Colonia Miranda or Colonia Azteca which is next to it.
Please join us in prayer for God’s provision for materials and workers to build His church, two class-rooms for the children, a kitchen and a large storage room for food, clothing, shoes, bedding and other donated items for use and distribution in our humanitarian efforts in the surrounding communities. May God continue to bless His work in Cabo and may the God of grace receive all the glory.
Trevor and Kelssee Rubenstein
Chosen People Ministries
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