Children's Ministry
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Learn About The Children's Ministry At Calvary Chapel Red Wing

Nursery (0-4yrs)
Nursery Info
The Nursery Ministry (infancy to 4 years of age) seeks to serve the very youngest members of the body of Christ.
Kids start out in the Sanctuary for worship and then head downstairs afterwards.
The Nursery Ministry (infancy to 4 years of age) seeks to serve the very youngest members of the body of Christ.
Kids start out in the Sanctuary for worship and then head downstairs afterwards.

Kids Church (5yrs-5th Grade)
Kids' Church Info
Kids Church is for kids in grades K-5th. Kids start out in the Sanctuary for worship and then head downstairs afterwards.
For our lessons. we use the ABC Sunday School curriculum from Answers in Genesis. It is designed to take children all the way through the Bible, over the course of 5 years! This curriculum upholds the inerrancy of the Bible, holds to a literal, six day Creation account as found in Genesis and is packed with games, crafts and activities within the lessons, to help the teachers convey Biblical truth to the kids in an engaging way.
Kids Church is for kids in grades K-5th. Kids start out in the Sanctuary for worship and then head downstairs afterwards.
For our lessons. we use the ABC Sunday School curriculum from Answers in Genesis. It is designed to take children all the way through the Bible, over the course of 5 years! This curriculum upholds the inerrancy of the Bible, holds to a literal, six day Creation account as found in Genesis and is packed with games, crafts and activities within the lessons, to help the teachers convey Biblical truth to the kids in an engaging way.
Jesus holds children very close to His heart, and we at Calvary Chapel do so as well. Our highest calling is to partner with parents and teach God’s Word, so that all children can come to the saving knowledge of Christ and deepen their personal relationship with Him. We want to make little followers of Christ, who grow up to be big followers of Christ.
God has ordained the church into existence, yet He has commanded the parents to be responsible for their childrens’ growth. It is they who will have to, one day, give an account for how well they handled the task. Calvary Chapel realizes that this is a hard job, but we are committed to coming alongside parents in training their children. This is why we have made great efforts in locating good teaching tools, and providing nurturing, loving teachers with adequate facilities. We want to provide a place where children can worship and learn about the Lord.
At each service on Sunday morning, we offer ministry to children from infants all the way through 5th grade. Classes are organized into age appropriate environments, to help nurture your child’s spiritual growth. Hebrews 4:12 tells us that God’s Word is powerful and alive, and we believe that! In small groups, your child will explore and investigate what the Bible has to say to us. Through the use of stories, games, crafts and activities, we help children apply what they learn by giving them a clear and easy next step. We teach with the end in mind, and make sure everything keeps pointing to Jesus and God’s Word. We are currently using the Answers In Genesis ABC Sunday School Curriculum, which will take children all the way through the Bible in 4 years.
What about children in the Sanctuary during the service?
We feel that the best way we can serve the whole family is by providing a good quality childrens’ ministry – one which teaches them at a level that they can more easily understand. At the same time, we realize that some families have a clear conviction about having their children in service with them.
We try to accommodate for both.
For now, all children are in the main service for worship. During announcements, children going to Children's ministry, will be dismissed to head downstairs, to their appropriate room.
We have set up a solid children’s ministry for kids 0yrs -5th grade. It is our policy and practice at this time, that children in grades 6th and above, attend the normal Sunday service. If you desire your children to be in the service with you, we ask that they learn to sit quietly and be respectful during the teaching of the Word. If needed, services can be heard in the coffee shop (We hope to have video of the service soon...)
Our Commitment
We are firmly committed to helping families grow in their knowledge of the Lord by providing the direction, encouragement, tools and help for parents in their role of raising their children for Jesus. The position of Calvary Chapel is to assist parents in raising their children in the Lord, not to replace them.
May God richly bless you as you pray about our desire and direction for the children’s ministry here at Calvary Chapel. Finally, we ask that you pray and ask God what role you can have in this ministry to the young.
“Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’” – Matthew 19:14
God has ordained the church into existence, yet He has commanded the parents to be responsible for their childrens’ growth. It is they who will have to, one day, give an account for how well they handled the task. Calvary Chapel realizes that this is a hard job, but we are committed to coming alongside parents in training their children. This is why we have made great efforts in locating good teaching tools, and providing nurturing, loving teachers with adequate facilities. We want to provide a place where children can worship and learn about the Lord.
At each service on Sunday morning, we offer ministry to children from infants all the way through 5th grade. Classes are organized into age appropriate environments, to help nurture your child’s spiritual growth. Hebrews 4:12 tells us that God’s Word is powerful and alive, and we believe that! In small groups, your child will explore and investigate what the Bible has to say to us. Through the use of stories, games, crafts and activities, we help children apply what they learn by giving them a clear and easy next step. We teach with the end in mind, and make sure everything keeps pointing to Jesus and God’s Word. We are currently using the Answers In Genesis ABC Sunday School Curriculum, which will take children all the way through the Bible in 4 years.
What about children in the Sanctuary during the service?
We feel that the best way we can serve the whole family is by providing a good quality childrens’ ministry – one which teaches them at a level that they can more easily understand. At the same time, we realize that some families have a clear conviction about having their children in service with them.
We try to accommodate for both.
For now, all children are in the main service for worship. During announcements, children going to Children's ministry, will be dismissed to head downstairs, to their appropriate room.
We have set up a solid children’s ministry for kids 0yrs -5th grade. It is our policy and practice at this time, that children in grades 6th and above, attend the normal Sunday service. If you desire your children to be in the service with you, we ask that they learn to sit quietly and be respectful during the teaching of the Word. If needed, services can be heard in the coffee shop (We hope to have video of the service soon...)
Our Commitment
We are firmly committed to helping families grow in their knowledge of the Lord by providing the direction, encouragement, tools and help for parents in their role of raising their children for Jesus. The position of Calvary Chapel is to assist parents in raising their children in the Lord, not to replace them.
May God richly bless you as you pray about our desire and direction for the children’s ministry here at Calvary Chapel. Finally, we ask that you pray and ask God what role you can have in this ministry to the young.
“Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’” – Matthew 19:14
Looking for Teachers and Helpers
We are looking for people that have a heart for Jesus and a heart for kids. Our desire is that children who come to Kids' Church will be taught age-appropriate lessons, from the Bible and have fun while doing so. We are looking for awesome volunteers, with servant hearts, to minister to the young children at Calvary!